Sunday, February 28, 2010

I am a pregnant teen.

cept not.
I am incredibly intimidated by those teens on The Secret Life of the American Teenager.
It's either their non stop talk about sex.. ALL THE TIME or the episodes about masturbation, condoms in purses, practice kissing with your baby daddy, Mother's dating younger men, and oral sex. Those have been the main themes in the past 4 episodes I've watched.
Or, quite possibly what miffs me about the show is Molly Ringwald and her mousey, scary face. And yes, when watching the breakfast club I was more of a Ally Sheedy fan. They all seem pretty calm about the fact that Amy is 16, and has a baby. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm from a small town, or the fact that we have never had a girl to get pregnant and keep the baby at my school. Or even be pregnant at school. But no one I know is super open about talking about their babies or (hilariously obvious packaging) condoms. And might I add how completely FUCKED it is that they talk about getting married to each other and how some guys aren't the "marrying type". Am I crazy or are they SIXTEEN!?!?!?! I mean, I say I'm going to marry people, but.. it's different because I'm not seriously considering getting married at my age. which is older than 16.
And in all honesty, I am quite surprised they haven't had multiple episodes of them going to parties and getting hammered. It is more realistic. Booze. 
Oh christ, if my mom read this update.
Also I'm going to marry Lee Pace, because he's amazing. Everything I like in a man. Eyebrows, Older (30), Played a Pie Maker, and 6'3.
Until then...

1 comment:

  1. Oddly enough, I know a girl who just had a baby. She wasn't in high school at the time though, but still, 18 is quite young D:
    I can't even imagine it.
    And shows like that, and 16 and Pregnant on MTV are so strange to me... yet, somehow fascinating. Like a trainwreck or something.

    Oh yes, and Lee Pace is amazing. And so adorkably cute as the Pie Maker. Le sigh. Le swoon. Le omnomnom.
