Wednesday, February 25, 2009

this is such a blog

Why the blog?
I don't know. actually.
I was just sitting here on facebook and watching How Clean is Your house? with my mother and fat ass dog and i decided my thoughts were way to lame.
so write them down.
I'm jobless, a slob, and melodramatic. no one needs to here what i have to say. this is for my own good.
I live in Shit town B.C. it's so elderly it's practically amish. 
Check it out, slobby mcslobson just got her house cleaned. it was gross. there were 4 dead mice just chillin. who lets this happen? me in the future. fuck moving away for college i need to stay at home where once in a while i will come home and my mother has cleaned my room. 
Scrubs is on now. Elliot is a neurotic mess. why am i so much like her. minus the pretty and blonde part.
I'm simple, brown haired and just over 5". if i could i would wear dresses and heels everyday and pretend i was a wealthy socialite, not a suburban loser. too bad. I only like oldermen. they are better and have beards sometimes. thats awesome. 
it's raining right now, but it was snowing. why? because that's what february is for? NO its for love. new love? hopefully soon. there's a man i'm interested in. i'll let you know how it works out. 
i want a floral skirt. to wear with my penny loafers. soon fox soon.
so i have to go catch up with some memories. 
keep it clean youngins.
stop hugging each other in the hallways and getting in my way.

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