Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A letter.

Dear People who actually read my blog.
Hello, What's up? Thanks for taking time to read this. 
I started school today so my blog updates will be scarce for a while since I am also appearing in a show that is being presented in a pretty famous festival. For that I am excited, but not for school. I have a lot of english first semester. English, Creative Writing and English Lit. Wow.
So men eh? Yesterday was a strange day  for me when it came to men. FOR EXAMPLE: I talked to my dream man in my kitchen for like 3 hours and we talked about what to do when you really like someone but can't tell them and how you wouldn't want to ruin the friend ship. UGH. ALSO that guy I burned (his picture) started talking to me again. erm..WHAT NO!?!?!
If you are a man could you please help me with my situation before I become like a prostitute or something? That doesn't involve much talk.
Loving Arms.


  1. Dear Blog Writer who actually writes Posts.
    Hello, things are well. I flashed a camera today. That's it for my daily adrenaline rush.
    I share the class of English Lit with you. Prepare to have fun.
    I cannot keep track of your dream men.. So I'm in the dark about whom you are speaking of.
    And I apologize for not being a dude or having a penis.
    Loving Legs.

  2. I read your blog! Ha.
    I would give you boy tips, but they would make you suck.
    (this is nir.)
