Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's going to be light out soon

Obvs can't sleep.
There are many things I need to change about my life.
1. Sleep more (better skin, healthier, probably happier)
2. Complain less (the blog is going to get boring)
3. Party less (when people offer me shit, SAY NO)
4. Man the fuck up ( Tell him how I feel. Tell him how I feel. Tell him how I feel.)
5. Don't take summer for granted (Last one ever - almost)
6. Know that somewhere out there, someone thinks I look hott today (there's gotta be at least one)
7. Love my family more (stop yelling at them when I'm tired since I didn't sleep)
8. Sing more (practice, and my mom likes my voice)
9. Flirt more (apparently I need to practice this. But I got some hella bedroom eyes the other night from someone you'd least expect. I now have a crush on him)
10. Dont let the fucktards get me down. (you know who you are)
It's 4:35 and I'm changing shit up.

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