Sunday, July 19, 2009

(I'm the loserface)

My bad on not updating in a while. sorry followers (lololol cept not since I have none)
I recently went to a concert. It was Death Cab for Cutie with special guests RaRaRiot and The New Pornographers. oh And of course, myself and Lady S. if you clicked on the link, it's a big lol from about 2 years ago. I had a boyfriend at this point. Holy Shit. I'm the one in the hat, sort of still chubby. Laugh at me please. My acting skills have gotten better. I swear.
Anyway, the concert was brilliant. During "I will follow you into the dark." I stood up and held up my lighter and sang my heart out, you know, incase Ben Gibbard was listening for a girls voice. And was looking to, you know, discover someone.
OH! And I saw Harry Potter 6. SOOO good. MUCH MUCH better than the 5th movie. I went (dressed up of course) as Ginny Weasley. rocking my sort of red hair? Ok not really, but in some light... ya. I thoroughly enjoyed it and plan on seeing it again with S. Different S. Man-S.
We baked cookies on Friday, so when I was going to update on Friday, I couldn't because I was busy icing my hand. I was obviously nervous (......) and a cookie slid onto my hand, and the chocolate chip that was al melty and burning from the oven got on my hand and BURNED IT. so painful. I was soo embarrassed, looked pathetic, etc. But he was very sweet and finished up the cookies and put them in the oven and made some more juice in a jar. So sweet. So cute. I think my mom likes him almost as much as I do.... odd. 
Anywho, my uncle is coming over for a few days, so We all have to go watch a movie together and eat chips and pretend we're normal.
I'll update more often, I promise.


    I'm such a bitch.

  2. Can you just hurry up and date him already?
