Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Old news, same gross factor.

Morgan Freeman, to Marry his step Granddaughter.
Like, what the fuck please?
Number one, gross. Isn't he like 72, and she's 27? ODD! real odd! 
Number two, shouldn't it me ME he's marrying. 
I joke. I kid. We all know who I Have eyes for. Ok that's not true since I'm in love with practically the species of men.
But I do loves me some Eugene Levy. 
It's the eyebrows.
Is it weird I like eyebrows? I guess maybe his son is closer to my age, and hotter, but Eugene has the charisma? No, stop lying to yourself Kelle, it's weird as fuck. But you can't help it.
Also in line for my heart (if I was... 40) Colin Firth. BABE II PIG IN THE CITY!
Ok. This post needs less estrogen. PLEASE. I killing myself with my hormones.
My mother recently told me all the lovely things I needed per week to balance out my hormones. I graciously let her know that I was already getting most of this stuff. Broccoli, Soy servings (wooot I loves me the soy milk!), 4 glasses of wine (ok, not really, but I'm trying to convince her.), and some others that I can't remember. 
Could I have my brain back please? No? WELL FUCK YOU.
Last night I saved Cass. This encounter is called Bitch City. It's when you get invited somewhere, and there's all this talk thats not including you and you just sit around listening to people talk about something you a) weren't invited to, and b) feel uncomfortable talking about.
I love her dearly, so I got pretty mad on our walk home. Swearing and spitting as we went.
No one should be treated like that
I know. It's happened to me. With the same people. Im boycotting them.
Ok. Rant gone. 
I watched an add for the SPCA, staring Canada's own, Sarah Mclachlan! The last clip from it was a CRYING DOG. So I cried and asked if we could adopt a dog. My mom gave me the eye, and my father ranted about how he was the only one who fed the dog, or walked the dog. But I told him I definitely loved the dog the most. Then I went to give him a hug. He humped me. Gross.
But my puppy is... tragadorable. (tragically adorable) And I love him with all my might. Especially when we watch tv together. Ps, my dog is a lard ass. 
So, the moral of that story is to donate donate donate to your local SPCA. Or ADOPT a dog! If your parents are cooler than mine. Or if you don't live at home. (sigh)
Ew, my coffee is cold. 
This post is useless but thanks for reading it if you did. I hope you comment. Comments make me feel better about myself.
I'm so pathetic.

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